African American Hair Transplant Procedure By Dr. John Kahen

Home / Textured Hair Transplant / African American Hair Transplant Procedure By Dr. John Kahen

Posted on : July 21, 2022 | Category : Textured Hair Transplant | Author: Beverly Hills Hair Restoration Team

African American Hair Transplant

A hair transplant refers to a surgical procedure of hair restoration. The procedure involves removing hair from hair loss-resistant areas and transplanting them in areas that are experiencing thinning hair or overall hair loss. While the hair transplant procedure of hair loss works for all hair types, performing it in textured hair is quite challenging. Hair transplant for African Americans requires an experienced hair restoration surgeon and advanced techniques to perform. 

The reason being African Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, or Africans have hair with very tight curls. Textured hair is curled not only up above the scalp but also beneath it. That is why performing a textured hair transplant is quite challenging. Dr. John Kahen from Beverly Hills hair Restoration clinic has years of experience in hair restoration procedures, including textured hair transplants. He can perform an African American hair transplant with ease. 

What is African American Hair Transplant?

African Americans have curly hair that is quite unique. In order to perform an African American hair transplant procedure, a surgeon needs to use a different hair transplant technique and approach. It is impossible to attain success using a straight cutter. What a surgeon needs to focus on is how deep the hair follicles run beneath the scalp. It is hard to establish this before starting the procedure. It can be an uphill task for a surgeon to perform an African American hair transplant if the curly hair follicles go deep into the scalp. There is a risk of damaging the hair follicles while harvesting them. The best option to avoid damaging hair follicles is to remove hair follicles that are much closer to the scalp. 

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Tips to Perform a Textured Hair Transplant Procedure 

There are several factors that surgeons and hair restoration experts need to consider while performing a hair transplant for African Americans. These are some of them:

  • The Hairline’s Design 

When designing a new hairline for an African American patient, it is important that the surgeon considers the natural hairline. There are several differences between an African American hairline and hairlines for other hair types. Males of African descent can choose to style their hairlines to look like a Caucasian mature hairline or go for a lower, straighter hairline. Both of these two options can work, provided they are planned and performed by an experienced hair restoration surgeon. 

  • Hair Follicle Orientation

When performing a textured hair transplant procedure, we always consider hair follicle orientation. The reason is that African American hair is curly. This is especially critical when extracting hair follicles from the donor site. The donor site can either be from the back of the head or other areas of the body. Following the natural direction and distribution of hair is important during this type of hair transplant surgery. This also includes the angle and the curvature of individual transplanted hair follicles. Beverly Hills hair restoration clinic offers patients African American hair transplant before and after photos to explain what the end results will look like. 

  • Master Planning

During our initial consultation appointment, the team at Beverly Hills hair restoration clinic performs a microscopic evaluation. This process allows us to see how advanced hair loss is. The evaluation, combined with a family pattern of hair loss, also helps us to predict how the end results of your hair loss will be. Besides hair loss transplants, we also discuss medical treatment. This allows you to maintain a full head of hair in the future and throughout your life. 

Two Main Approaches are used for African American Hair transplant 

A hair transplant for African Americans may be done in two ways: Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and Follicular unit extraction (FUE). 

  • FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction 

Of the two, the follicular unit extraction technique is preferable to the FUT African American hair transplant approach. The Smart FUE Hair Transplant Los Angeles technique is the latest and more advanced method of hair transplantation. This hair transplant produces a more natural-looking result than other types of hair restoration procedures. Another benefit that the FUE hair transplant procedure has to offer is that it is minimally invasive, unlike the FUT hair transplant procedure. During an FUE hair transplant surgery, the surgeon will use a micro-punch device to extract individual hair follicles from the donor site. During the graft hair harvesting process, the device makes several holes in the scalp. A procedure known as the Neograft technique makes the entire process of harvesting and grafting hair faster with higher precision. The number of graft hairs that need transplantation is often determined by the size of the recipient area. 

  • FUT – Follicular Unit Transplantation 

The other approach to the African American hair transplant procedure is called FUT Hair Transplant. In full, FUT simply means follicular unit transplantation. The surgeon, during this kind of procedure, uses a scalpel to incise a strip of skin at the back of the head (the donor area). Upon removing the strip of the scalp from the donor area, the surgeon will attempt to cover the surgery area by stretching either side of the donor area. The removed scalp tissue contains several graft hairs. The surgeon will remove follicular units by dissecting the strip of skin care. The recipient area will afterward receive the harvested graft hair. 

How is African American Hair Loss Treated By Dr. John Kahen?

The FUE technique is still the best hair restoration method when it comes to restoring hair in African American or ethnic hair. Genetically, African Americans have a wavy and curly texture. The hair stands produced by hair follicles are curly in nature. While performing a hair transplant procedure, a hair transplant surgeon faces many challenges. Both the harvesting and the implanting processes are not easy to perform. 

In order to make the procedure successful, the surgeon needs to come up with a few adjustments. The founder and head surgeon at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration Clinic, Dr. John Kahen, uses an advanced hair restoration technique called SmartGraft. To get desirable results using this type requires the FUE technique of hair restoration. What makes this technology great is that it is less intrusive and it doesn’t leave a linear scar on the donor site. 

Compared to hair found at the temple, hairline, frontal, crown areas, and mid-scalp, hair growing at the back of the head is often resistant to hair loss. A hair transplant performed by a reputable hair restoration surgeon who uses the SmartGraft technology produces thicker and denser results using as few graft hair as possible. The harvested hair will be transferred to the recipient zone using perfect artistry and medical skills. 

Doing this will ensure that greater hair restoration results are attained and hair will continue growing stronger in the new environment. 

Also, you can Read: Are Fue Hair Transplant Scars Permanent?

Textured Hair Transplant For African American Men And Women

In black women, the method used to transplant hair and the type of hair loss is often different. Traction alopecia is the most common form of hair loss in African Americans. The main culprits of traction alopecia include hair extensions, wearing tight hair braids, or using straighteners or chemicals that can damage the scalp. Compared to Asian or Caucasian hair types, the kinds of hair loss experienced by black men is different. Textured hair men must ensure that the surgeon performing the hair transplant procedure is familiar with the special characteristics of their hair type. The doctor should also be licensed and board certified. Dr. John Kahen has years of experience in hair transplant procedures, including African American hair transplants in men.

Knowing and understanding these features is critical for a surgeon who is performing a textured hairline transplant procedure. At Beverly Hills Hair Restoration Clinic, the same latest hair restoration technique is used by Dr. John Kahen when performing textured hair transplants. However, there are a few adjustments that need to be made to make the procedure successful.

The Benefits of African American Hair Transplant

  • Performing a hair transplant African American procedure using FUE is often less invasive compared to other forms of hair restoration procedures. 
  • The surgeon will apply anesthesia to numb the surgery area in order to reduce pain and discomfort during hair restoration procedures. You may feel like taking a nap while the procedure is going on.
  • Aftercare is easy to recover pretty fast compared to other hair restoration techniques. After the procedure, it will take a day for you to rest. The following day you can go back to your normal daily routine. 
  • What contributes to high accuracy and minimal scalp trauma during the hair transplant procedure is the advanced surgical tools used. 
  • Another benefit of using the FUE hair transplant technique in textured hair transplant is that there won’t be any linear scar after the procedure. This means that the patient is free to try any hairstyle once the surgery area completely heals. The patient can even shave the hair he or she feels like. 
  • While performing the textured hair transplant procedure, the surgeon will implant graft hair according to the patient’s natural flow of hair. Not only will this help to significantly increase hair density, but it will also improve the naturalness of the results. 

What to Expect with an African-American Hair Transplant?

A specialized approach is used by Dr. John Kahen while performing an African American hair transplant. This helps to ensure that there is minimal damage to the scalp and hair follicles. Extensive force is reduced, and high precision is employed during a hair transplant procedure for textured hair. The survival rate of graft hairs is improved significantly using various manipulations and saline injections. During the graft hair harvesting process, special tools are used to prevent damaging the grafted hair. To prevent keloids from forming after a hair transplant procedure, you need to use the FUE hair transplant surgery. 

Recovery After the Transplant

  • After the hair transplant procedure, soreness and swelling may occur in the surgery area. This may happen in both the recipient and the donor areas. You may also feel some pain. This should not worry you because some pain medication will be subscribed. 
  • Although it is advisable to take a few days off, a patient may choose to return to his or her normal routine the following day after the procedure. 
  • After the procedure, the patient needs to refrain from washing the treatment or surgery area for at least one week. Once this period is over, the patient can start using a gentle, mild shampoo. 
  • Excessive pressure applied on the scalp should be avoided, including brushing and combing the newly implanted graft hair. 

Cost of the African American Hair Transplant

During an African American hair transplant procedure, extracting hair from the donor area can be quite challenging using both FUT and FUE techniques. If you have curly hair and are experiencing hair loss, the best thing to do is seek affordable hair restoration services at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration clinic. The cost of African American hair transplant depends on the number of grafts relocated. In contrast, the hair transplant Los Angeles cost also depends on the amount of thickness you wish to achieve or the degree of hair loss.


As much as performing a hair African American hair transplant is quite challenging, getting this hair restoration procedure at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration clinic will give you the best results. Dr. John Kahen utilizes the latest advanced hair transplant techniques and technologies to perform textured hair transplants successfully. You need to have a professional hair restoration surgeon perform this procedure if you want a desirable outcome. Only the FUE technique of hair transplant will give you the best hair transplant for African American results. An expert hair restoration surgeon will perform this procedure with the utmost precision, skill, and technology.

For any questions regarding our african american hair transplant procedure, you can contact us at  310.289.0901 or Schedule a free hair transplant consultation

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